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Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. This is done by a transfer of energy from the practitioner's hands to the client with minimal to no touch. The purpose of this is to activate the natural healing processes of the client's body and restore physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words:

De Rei: "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" de Ki which is "life force energy".

So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

- William Lee Rand

You know that pesky "off" feeling? Whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual, Reiki helps you get back to your center. Something we all have in common: energetic blockages. My job is to clear those blockages and send you off into the world as your most liberated self. You deserve to THRIVE, not merely exist. These blockages stuni us, forcing us to cling to that unsteady survival mode, leaving us unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Let's get you back to your center so that you can live the rich life you are fully capable of having, being your most joyful self for yourself and those you care about most.




Whom can reiki help? Everyone and anyone. Literally Under no condition will Reiki ever cause harm! Reiki also works hand in hand with medical care. Reiki can help decrease recovery times from surgery and lessens unwanted side effects from medication and chemotherapy. Reiki has even helped patients improve their sleep. The effects of Reiki also extend to lessening discomfort during pregnancy; helping alleviate chronic nausea during pregnancy. Reiki is guided by the higher healing power, therefore, it will naturally adjust to what each person needs. Reiki is always helpful and safe.


  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Brain fog

  •  Well-Being

  •  Depression



  • Confidence

  • Realignment and Balance

  • Feeling Grounded and at Peace

  • Feeling Whole, Worthy, and Enough



  •  Sleep

  • Detox

  • Injuries

  • Illnesses

  • Low Energy

  •  Recovery Time

  •  Body Aches & Pain


Reiki helps enormously with stress reduction and relaxation, promoting wellness from the "root" to the


Energetic blockages are just a fact of life; we all experience them. These blockages cause an emotional, mental, and physical upset. Reiki goes directly to the source, healing you from the "root" to the "crown," clearing those energetic blockages that are preventing you from moving forward with ease.

My goal is to guide you to that glorious sweet spot between fully liberated and securely grounded. That sweet spot, by the way, where you begin living most authentically.


Reiki is a guided life force energy flowing throughout and around our bodies. There are 7 main chakra points in the body, each one responsible for a set of emotional and physical ailments. If we create negative thoughts and habits, whether consciously or not, that negative energy gets ingrained into our subconscious which disrupts the flow of healthy energy. The body is all connected. If one chakra is blocked, and not allowing the healthy energy to flow through, this causes a lower vibrating subconscious due to the blockages. This leads to our physical body becoming negatively affected, which causes an upset or an illness.

The Reiki energy helps raise the vibration of the blockages and replaces them with healthy energy. This healthy energy, in turn, releases the crippling negative energy out of the body. Reiki energy is free-flowing, and by replacing the affected parts with positive energy, reiki raises the vibration of the physical body where the negative thoughts or emotions were attached. Reiki heals the energetic pathway, allowing for the flow of healthy energy. The result? Elevation of your consciousness, vibe, and your energy!

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